Our Annual Grantmaking
2023 Grantmaking at a Glance


Education by the Numbers
Total Award Distribution by Portfolio: 68%
Total Number of Grants: 81
Total Amount Distributed: $11,300,000 Average Grant Size: $139,506
Supportive Communitites
Supportive Communities by the Numbers
Total Award Distribution by Portfolio: 32% Total Number of Grants: 58
Total Amount Distributed: $5,257,496 Average Grant Size: $90,646
2023 awards by grant purpose

2023 Award distribution by geography
The Powell Foundation supports nonprofit organizations whose work directly benefits the residents of Harris, Travis, and Walker Counties in Texas. Additionally, the Foundation makes select statewide grants that directly benefit the three counties of interest and prioritized issue areas.

Harris County
Harris County by the Numbers
Total Percentage of Grant Dollars Distributed: 62%
Total Number of Grants: 91
Total Amount Distributed: $10,306,496
Travis County
Travis County by the Numbers
Total Percentage of Grant Dollars Distributed: 21% Total Number of Grants: 34 Total Amount Distributed: $3,455,000
Walker County
Walker County by the Numbers
Total Percentage of Grant Dollars Distributed: 2% Total Number of Grants: 6 Total Amount Distributed: $276,000
Texas/Statewide by the Numbers
Total Percentage of Grant Dollars Distributed: 15% Total Number of Grants: 10 Total Amount Distributed: $2,520,000
Click here to download our complete Annual Grantmaking Reports.